National Assembly for Wales

Health and Social Care Committee

Access to medical technologies in Wales

Evidence from Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in Wales – MT 14




16th October 2013





The Committee Clerk

Health and Social Care Committee

National Assembly for Wales

Cardiff Bay

CF99 1NA




Response for the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in Wales to the National Assembly for Wales Health and Social Care Committee Enquiry into Access to Medical Technologies.


The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in Wales is composed of representatives of the UK medical Royal Colleges and advises the Chief Medical Officer on multi-professional issues.  You will have received some detailed responses from individual Royal Colleges to this technology call,  but the Academy has asked me to identify common themes and I am responding on  behalf of the AMRCW.


Access to new technology across Wales is not equitable and may not be evidence based. Current commissioning procedures in Wales are not appropriate for the development of many of these techniques. An All Wales approach to commissioning new technologies would ensure better access, reflecting both cost and clinical effectiveness; in particular we would stress that some investigations and new technologies are only effective on a regional/subregional basis. Commissioning bodies in Wales should have a clear understanding of NICE recommendations in forming their decisions to prevent duplication of assessment in Wales.  The patient’s perspective must be considered in the commissioning process, to ensure that any potential barriers to accessing the service, such a travelling long distances for treatment and follow up are addressed and funded.  Some technologies e.g. proton therapy -  are unlikely ever to be commissioned in Wales but there is still a requirement for patients to access such specialised treatments on the same terms as patients from the other UK nations. 


Yours sincerely,




Dr Richard Clements MA FRCS FRCR

Consultant Radiologist

Member of the AMRCW